VideAR Technology

Distinctive Edge: AR-Enhanced Drone Mission Visualisation 

Revolutionising Mission Planning with 3D Mapping

Our Game Engine, (patent-pending) solution transforms geo-coded maps into detailed 3D environments, setting the stage for precise AR flight path planning. This approach elevates the accuracy and visualisation of drone missions to unprecedented levels.

Synchronised Mission Control and Enhanced Collaboration

Our system enables precise plotting of missions using 3D coordinates, which are then synced to the VideAR Cloud for real-time collaborative viewing and adjustments through AR devices. This ensures efficiency and safety, especially in Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLoS) operations.

Flexibility Across Diverse Commercial Drone Applications

VideAR Mission Planning offers unmatched efficiency and precision for various sectors, including UTM, Deliveries, DaaS, Inspections, and Search & Rescue. The blend of autonomy and manual control adapts to diverse and complex mission requirements.

Robust, Safe, and Scalable Drone Operations

Integrating AR flight paths with RTK positioning, our platform guarantees secure, reliable operations in all conditions, including low-light environments. It's not just a solution; it's a paradigm shift in commercial drone mission planning.

©  VideAR 2024 (Patent pending)